Terms of Use

We reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis. The action we take may be more lenient or more severe than those listed under each category:
  1. Account
  2. Bosses
  3. Loot mode
  4. PvP
  5. Spying
  6. Language
  7. Advertising

  1. Account
    Creation and use of Accounts are subject to the following terms and conditions:
    1. -> Account sharing is not allowed.

    2. -> Staff Team does not take any responsibility for anything that happens to your account if you share it.

    3. -> Account trading is not allowed.

    4. -> Selling any buying for real money is against our rules and will get you banned.

    5. -> Your display name, as well as any other name that will be publicly visible must not contain any vulgar, obscene or offensive words.
    6. -> Deliberately creating new accounts or characters with the purpose of making those names unavailable for other players is strictly forbidden.
    7. -> Any names violating this rule will be changed to a generic name.
  2. Bosses
    1. -> All raids must be opened at all times, except:
      • -> When a raid member disconnected, in which case the raid can be closed for 3 minutes to allow them to rejoin.
      • -> When the raid is killing a boss outside of pvp and the boss's health is lower than 50%. The join mode must be set back to auto if the boss resets or dies.

      • -> When the raid is killing a boss outside of pvp and the boss's health is lower than 50%. The join mode must be set back to auto if the boss resets or dies.
      • -> When the raid's purpose is farming inside an instance map.
      • -> The raid member doesn't have decent equipment (decent links, enchants and rerolls) to compete for the boss.
      • -> The raid member is rejoining deliberately to gain loot priority.
      • -> All boss raids must be announced in trade chat as soon as the boss is found.
      • -> Joining the same raid for bosses with more than one character for whatever reason is strictly forbidden, unless the raid is a farm raid.
      • -> Public raids, whether pvp or boss raids, except farm raids, must be on random loot or group loot.
  3. Loot Mode
    1. -> Raid loot mode must be adjusted depending on the situation, as follows:
    2. -> Farm raids must be on group loot.
    3. -> The loot mode of private raids are at the discretion of the raid leader.
    4. -> Joining the same raid in pvp with more than one character for whatever reason is strictly forbidden, unless the raid is a farm raid.
  4. PvP
    1. -> Kicking active raid members is strictly forbidden, unless:
    2. -> The raid member is causing drama.
    3. -> The raid member is AFK for longer than 2 minutes after warning by leader.
    4. -> The raid member is not in the designated Boss or PvP area for longer than 1 minutes after warning by leader.
    5. -> The raid member doesn't following raid commands.
    6. -> Joining the same raid (pvp or boss) with more than one character for whatever reason is strictly forbidden, unless the raid is a farm raid.
  5. Spying
    1. -> Creating an account on the other faction in order to spy on the trade chat and other aspects of the other faction's game play is strictly forbidden.
  6. Language
    1. -> The main language in Shaiya Aridos is English. Please try to use English whenever you speak in a public chat channel (normal, trade, area, pvp raid).